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    Wanrun stock: company tracking report: the first flexib

    China's first flexible AMOLED production line has been put into operation. On May 11, the 6th generation flexible AMOLED production line in Chengdu, Beijing Oriental was put into production. Its design capacity is 48,000 glass substrates per month.

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    The new anticorrosive coating can effectively resist th

    Sydney, Oct. 14 (xinhua) -- Australian researchers have developed a new anti-corrosion coating that can reduce the amount of algae and microorganisms att

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    The ethylene shortage will improve

    Ethylene is the basic raw material of petrochemical industry, and ethylene production has become a symbol to measure the development level of a national petrochemical industry. In recent years, with the rapid development of national economy, domestic ethylene industry develops rapidly

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    Pv leader advanced battle - no more face changing

    As the era of unsubsidized projects approaches, photovoltaic leaders will become the norm. The next step may be to clarify boundary conditions and strictly implement them.

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    How to make ethylene a top priority in international pr

    As of the first half of this year, Chinas trade with countries along the belt and road has exceeded us $5 trillion,

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